Better bonding and adhesion

- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Building services
- Construction materials
- Decorative surfaces and trim parts
- Electrical engineering
- Filtration
- Household goods
- Lighting
- Medical technology
- Packaging
- Print products
- Technical textiles
- Tunnelling
Adhesion fluorination
Three physical effects have a significant impact on the bond between adhesives or paints and the component. Wetting, film formation and adhesion. Fluorination significantly affects all three properties of a plastic surface for enhanced adhesive and paint adhesion.
Fluorination for better adhesion yields cost benefits.
- No primer is needed
- Environmentally friendly water-based paint can be used
- More cost-efficient paint and adhesive systems can be used
- Fewer paint layers are needed
Process background
Fluorination increases surface roughness. Thus enlarge the contact surface and hence improving adhesive bonding. Adhesion fluorination is used whenever the application requires extensive and uniform layer bonding: increasing surface energy also improves wetting and film formation, as well as the bonding of paints and adhesives. When applied as a pre-treatment, fluorination creates absolutely consistent results, even in complex geometries with undercuts, recesses or wraps.
- To apply paint, flocking or decor
- To produce compound plastics
- To bond plastics with other materials using adhesive
- To treat man-made and natural fibres
- To pre-treat reinforcement fibres for compounds
Hydrophilierbare Kunststoff-Materialien
ABS - Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol, EPDM - Ethylen-Propylen-Dien-Kautschuk, Biokunststoffe - Kunststoffe aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, NBR - Nitrilkautschuk, HNBR - Hydrierter Acrylnitrilbutadien-Kautschuk, PA - Polyamid, PC - Polycarbonat, PEEK - Polyetheretherketon, PET – Polyethylenterephthalat, PMMA - Polymethylmethacrylat, Polyester, GFK / CFK – glasfaserhaltige Polymere, Mischpolymere, PPE - Polyphenylenether, PP - Polypropylen, TPE – Elastoplaste